Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy 1st Baby Mack!!

Today was the day we welcomed our sweet, happy baby Mack home just one year ago. I can't believe how fast it has went by. He is such a special part of our family. We spent the day by first opening presents(well the older 3 opened presents), went to church, had lunch, and had cake and ice cream with grandparents, aunts n uncles, and cousins. It was a good day. Mack will walk if he chooses to. He crawls like a super fast stink bug. He's so happy and Smiley! He rarely cries (unless I of course force his birthday hat on his head).... He's a great sleeper. Fantastic eater. Very very smart. He knows how to "show his muscles," wave hi and bye, blow kisses(if your lucky to get one), signs "more," says MOM, and dada. We can tell him about anything to do and he catches on really quick. He's so sweet and we love him tons!!

Happy Birthday Mack Bear!

Digging In On His Giant Cupcake

Birthday Cake

The Kids and I

Mason, Myles, ME, Mack, Maggie

Me & Mack

Mack & Hawk

Loved his "Sound" Birthday Card


Sofie, Hawk, Alia, Kemry, Abby, & Maggie


Blowing Out Candle


Mack got a lot of fun toys and a big giftcard to Target to get some more fun things. Thanks everyone for the gifts and for celebrating with Mack on his special day!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Mason N Myles

So these 2 characters are now 9&7 (going into 4th and 2nd grades). I'd like to admit that they are the best of friends and that they never fight and always want to be with each other. But as we all grow and discover ourselves, it takes a bit more wisdom and a handful more years to learn what should and will ultimately mean the most to us in our lives. Some don't ever get there, but I'm confident that these 2 will. We talk about the future and what I will do when they choose to "like' other girls more than their mother and what I'll do when they are miles and miles away on their missions. They understand that they will always have 2 mother hens looking after them and cheering them on. These 2 don't ever need to be "best" friends they just need to be brothers and the rest will be okay. They love one another most times and enjoy a life of golf, hunting, outdoors, wrestling, messiness, Wii, movies, watching and protecting their younger bro & sis, basketball, and just being boys! So now boys as you head on to another year at school and thinking your another year wiser, remember to stay close, make lots of memories, and Just Have Fun!! Love you boys..

4th of July-Myles

Salem Days-Aug.2011

Myles getting dunked by Mason
Last Day of School 3rd & 1st Grade

Mason Lovin a King Kong Ice Cream

Who's Taller?

(Mason or Sunflower)

Must Be Hunting Season



My BOy is A growin'

About this time last year I was patiently(or unpatiently) awaiting the arrival of Mack Bear. It literally feels like yesterday I felt his strong jabs and kicks in my stomach. Its hard to believe that in about a week he will be 1! Having Mack has been so much fun. He adds such a sweetness to our family. He's getting more mischievious by the minute and knows more at this age than I remember my older 3. Not sure if this is because he has all the added attention from everyone but it is very pleasing to see. To say he is the apple of my eye would be understating it! He is a climber, fast mover, jumpin, quick learner, SMILEY, happy, smart, smart little cookie. We couldn't love him more!:)

Had to show a "Sad" face

(Mack is always smiling @ Everyone):)Lovin some Sugar

11 Months

Photography taken by: Older Bro Mason Corn Cob-Rib City


Starting Young Dr. Dre


Splash Pad

Ugh RSV...

I can only bring myself to post one picture on this post. Still to this day the pics I have are too too sad. Mack got RSV at the end of February. We were supposed to leave Saturday for Hawaii( taking Mack with us), but on Friday our plans were grounded with three little letters RSV and not to mention double ear infections too. I didn't care to miss my trip, I only wanted Mack to feel better. It was a long 2 weeks of breathing treatments, humidifiers, and thousands of nose suctions. We made it through and hoping that this year it will pass us by.

hated his breathing treatments every 4 hours

Maggie Moves Forward To Kindergarten

Pre-school Graduation 2011/Maggie Rose

Maggie & Kalin

Maggie & Miss Lori

Miss Maggie has moved past her preschool years and onto Kindergarten.. She's growing so fast and turning into a young lady. She marks her spot in our family everyday, making it known to her brothers that she will not be outnumbered. There is no challenge for her to continually show them that she is her own Rockstar. She recently conquered Cheer Camp, swimming lessons, and made a Jazz/Ballet competition team, The Minis!! She is paving her own way through this mess of brothers. Her preschool years are now over and she moves on to Kindergarten as one of the wiser ones as she is fast approaching the big 6! She loved her new friends from pre and Miss Lori.

Too Long

California/Disneyland---April 2011

Myles Boogie Boardin'

Da Gang

Baby Bear

Lovin It


So its been forever since I have posted. Life with 4 kids is crazy crazy.... We love our baby Mack who is now approaching the 1 year mark!! It makes me so sad that it has went by so very fast. Instead of a huge attempt to try to "catch-up," Ill just do my best and post the highlights of our busy life. We went to California way back for spring break in April. We had a fantastic time. The kids could have cared less for Disneyland or Knotts Berry Farm. They would've instead of lived at da beach!! Next time we will visit San Diego and the beach instead and skip Disneyland....

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Christmas 2010

Many, many pictures on this post. Christmas this year was great! The kids are at perfect ages for understanding and making it fun. I want to hold on to these years because I know soon enough the excitement and anxiousness will fade with their growing ages. I love Christmas and I hope to pass that on to my kids. For my own purpose I wanted to list the items that my kids received this year. Santa was very nice to them!
  • Mason
  • Air Hockey Table
  • Metal Detector
  • Snow Shoes
  • Punching Bag & Boxing Gloves
  • Games
  • Clothes
  • Ride on bike toy
  • Books
  • Myles
  • Car Slot Race Track
  • Air Hockey Table
  • Punching Bag & Boxing Gloves
  • Ride on Bike toy
  • Cd Player- cds
  • Snow shoes
  • books
  • games
  • puzzles
  • clothes
  • Maggie
  • Addy -American Girl Doll & Accesories
  • Market Stand with Veggies and Fruits
  • Doll Table and Dishes
  • Plasma Car
  • Make-up
  • Games
  • clothes
  • Mack
  • Highchair
  • clothes
  • toys
Maggie's stocking ready for Santa
Mack's Stocking ready for Santa

Mason's Stocking ready for Santa

Myles' Stocking ready for Santa
Note to Santa
Maggie out for the Count.....shhhhhh
All the kids Christmas Eve 2010
Mack Visiting Santa at Riverbottoms
Mason, Myles, Santa, Maggie- 2010
Our Main Christmas Tree
All the stockings were hung........
We did a little Christmas Eve at our house with my parents, Denise and Jake, Meredith, Nickand kids. We ordered out Thai Garden(my kids favorite) and played games and just chilled out together. It was a good night with great memories. We spent Christmas Day at home letting kids play and enjoy their loot! :))