Thursday, August 26, 2010


AUGUST 24TH, 2010
MYLES "MyMy" excited about going to 1st grade

Mason--An already Champ @ Mastering the First Day (3rd Grade this year)

Myles' 1st Grade Teacher- Mrs. Grover
Mason's 3rd Grade Teacher- Mr. Bradley
Pretty sure I was more weary about this big guys first ALL DAY adventure. Sad to see him getting so big. I know that Big Bro Mas will be there to guide him along through this first year and beyond. They were already planning to meet for recesses! Mas is such a good brother to watch over his little bro. I hope they always stay close like that and enjoy playing with one another, even though they have their own separate friends. These two love to shoot their BB guns and plan trips to go hunting with their dad now and when they get older. I love that they are adventurous and pretty good buds. I hope for them to always watch out for each other. Way to be boys!! Makes a moms heart happy to see that!