Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Whats a "Kindy Car" one might ask? Well it is a car that all the students in Myles' kindergarten class are supposed to make. They are allowed to choose whatever style, color, shape that they want. Myles had already determined an Army Tank painted camou was what he was going to do. They take these cars to school and travel in them to different parts of the country to visit the symbols of freedom. Pretty appropriate that he chose a "Tank"as his vehicle. As I posted before, the result of making this car not only produced Myles an Army Tank, but also the display of Grafitti across the outside of our house. Too bad I was too busy celebrating my sisters birthday in Salt Lake and not able to prevent that catastrophe from happening. Live and learn right. Here's a couple of pics of the INFamous Army Tank!!!


  1. That is a pretty neat Tank, we love it!!!! Myles looks so cute in the top picture!

  2. Cool tank, and killer paint job.

    The oldest looks like a spitting image of Ron and the youngest girl is a spitting image of you.

